Many of us are scared of taking any risks in the workplace. It is our nature to believe we are safer remaining within the comfort zone and letting things breeze by, without risking our position. We stay in a job that doesn’t encourage us, because we are scared of risking our income, we choose to […]
Media Hub

The Wish List: How to Find the People You Actually Need
One of the burning issues associated with the hiring process is that at times, no matter how thorough the process is- wrong people are hired. Truth be told, I recently came to the realisation that in most cases the blame should be pointed towards recruitment consultants and not the employer (who makes the final decision). […]

MDP Innovation: Online Technical Testing Service
Our mission at Marcus Donald People is to always ensure all Candidates are placed in the role that best fits their skills and professional ambitions, while ensuring Employers hire the people who are right for their specific requirements. That said, the new service we introduced in the last month utilises today’s digital focus to transform […]

Cyber Security Blog: Will Cloud Migration Increase Security Risk?
It is clear that Cloud Computing is the future and within the next 2 to 3 years the majority of companies that haven’t done so yet, will migrate to the Cloud. However, this has lead Information Security professionals everywhere to ask themselves the question ‘Would Cloud migration increase our Cyber Security risk?’ I recently read […]

The Selfish Generation: A Guide to Making Millennials Interested in Your Company
Millennials make the largest portion of the employment market and as the late comers of Generation Y are getting older; companies must adapt in order to stand a chance in the battle for the top talent in the market. Differently to the opinion of many; flexible working conditions, posting team updates on social media or […]

Cyber Security Blog: An Introduction
Post 1: Why Cyber Security is Such an Important Topic? For the past decade or so, crime rates in the UK have been falling due to technological advances, making offences harder to commit. On the other hand, as a result of the same technological progression; authorities in the UK and around the globe face a […]

Annual General Meeting: A Lesson in Leadership
“To lead people, walk beside them. As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence […] When the best leader’s work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!” – Lao-tzu Many times, organisations tend to neglect the importance of leadership when compared to efficient management. A Manager and a leader […]