As an employer, you might encounter a situation where you have a gap in your team, and you need a certain skill set. The next question you will ask yourself is: Do I recruit for a Contract or Permanent position? The best answer might even be Contract to Permanent. It is a critical decision for […]
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Together for a better Internet – Safer Internet day Feb 9th 2021
February 9th, 2021 marks the 15th celebration of the international Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme is “Together for a better internet” it is obviously more important than ever before as 2020 was undoubtedly the year that disrupted and transformed the way businesses, people and children interacted and used the Internet. That said, every day […]

The Challenges of Remote Working and What We Miss From the Office
Strangely – I think I miss certain things from over six months ago. The commute: The packed train, the checking of social media en route into the office, my coffee from the café on the platform and talking about last night’s football game with the barista, listening to my favourite playlist or podcast on […]

How Can You Plan for the “Next” Normal?
Some of us have challenges with working from home as it is nearly impossible to avoid parts of home life getting in the way of working a normal day. Children, pets, deliveries and more become unavoidable distractions. Even being in close proximity to the fridge to enjoy regular snacks and the lure of the TV […]

Two wrongs don’t make a right!
I woke up and set off for work like I usual do around 7am however, on this occasion I noticed something was missing from the side of my house – I stopped and realized that my large grey wheelie bin wasn’t next to the blue recycling one. Not to miss my train, I pondered this […]

Working from home vs Office
In the UK we’ve experienced a dramatic switch to home working and the Government telling us that work from home, where it is possible.. I wonder if this is now the “new normal’. Could this be true ? Our research have identified reasons for home and office working. If I was to sum up. I would […]

What is Azure Stack HCI?
Accepting that some customers might not be quite ready for the on-premises cloudy world of Azure Stack, Microsoft has unveiled Azure Stack HCI. The new product is aimed squarely at users who want something familiar in the form of virtualised applications replete with the same Hyper-V based software-defined compute, storage, and networking technologies as Azure Stack. […]

5 ways Artificial Intelligence will have changed the world by 2050.
Since the day we invented computers, scientists are trying to imitate the human thinking, processing and even behavior. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is moving out of research labs into the real world. Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, recently stated that AI will have a ‘more profound’ impact than electricity or fire. The Mckinsey Global Institute forecasts that […]

Should I stay or should I go? Counter Offers
Counter Offer’s can typically be a no brainer to accept. Ask yourself: What made me initially decide that “I am going to look for a new role” ? Go back to that place in your mind when you were having a conversation with yourself.You have gone through the time to update your resume, work with […]

TGIF – Signs you’re ready for a career change
TGIF – Signs you’re ready for a career change All of us may be struggling at times, all of us experience moments where we don’t feel like going to work. Or worse, working at all. Its true, its logical and its okay. We are human beings and our mood, energy and interest levels have ups […]

New Year's Resolutions – 2019
I just Googled “New Year’s Resolutions”. Came up with 226 million results. Some of the most common New Year’s Resolutions are losing weight, exercising more and quit smoking. Other popular ones include saving money, getting a better job, starting a degree (or getting better grades on an existing one), reducing stress, taking a trip or […]

Cloud Adoption: Pro’s & Con’s
5 years ago, only 36% of organisations across the UK adopted cloud – today this number is over a staggering 91%. Marcus Donald People have recently made the move from on-prem to cloud by adopting an all singing all dancing Cloud based PaaS CRM, a very much needed leap from our previous on-premise system. Making the […]